Mean girl narcissism is all the rage today. You're correct. They hate themselves and hate themselves more that their activism isn't helping them feel better, so they take out their anger on students and anyone who doesn't join their cult. I suspect that the tolerance to these protesters is slowly diminishing and they will be forced off campus eventually as more institutions reclaim authority from these bullies.

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As John Lennon famously said in Revolution, “If you go carrying pictures of chairman Mao

You ain't gonna make it with anyone anyhow.”

These Kefiyah Karen’s are frustrated, angry, death obsessed so-called feminists trying to make it with Muslim terrorists since they’ve turned all the male non-terrorists to soy boys. The “revolution “ then and now was and is a wide open singles bar wherein sexual frustration and often predatory behavior met one another. A long extended adolescent orgy which resolved itself in the disgusting mess society has let itself devolve into. Those shallow Mao picture carriers are currently the shadow government still trying to make it as the Jeffrey Epstein and P. Diddy bs makes clear. Need to get rid of these people because they are the current “adults in the room” which clearly they are not. That’s why they hate Trump. Daddy has shown up and said, “Enough is enough“ #VoteTrumpToSaveAmerica.

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Kefiyah Karens 😂

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An excellent piece describing the terror of the tik tok brigade and their never-ending progressive witch hunt

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Sep 19·edited Sep 19

This is an excellent companion piece to Kay Hymowitz's City Journal essay, "The New Girl Disorder."

Something I recently discovered was the marked *sonic* difference between antiwar protests of the 60s and the current campus protests by Hamas apologists. You could say the former were much easier on the ears.

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Every group of griping minority, whether large or small, consequential or not, has been enlisted by the global cabal of terrorist authoritarians. Beware as they will strike at you especially if you are white male, Jewish/Israeli or American. Their goal is to upend and destroy our cultures and society in general. You can only save yourselves if you fight back. Nobody is coming to assist or rescue you. If you do not fight, you will no longer exist or be free.

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Sep 20·edited Sep 20

Don't accept their gaslighting. They'll call you woke terms. like racist, misogynist, transphobic, etc..... Don't take the bait. Just ignore them or push back HARD. Nothing in between usually works.

An aside, I see these same qualities, more and more, in leftist males.

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It's a deeply unpleasant experience to stand up to these people even a little :-/

But yes, seems like most people can't stand them. I've also noticed that many of the people I know who are sucked into this crap seem to be suffering for it -- they are aging faster than other people, they look haggard, dead-eyed. Like something dark is eating them from the inside out.

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Yes, eating their souls.

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The inconsistency of the views held by this group of people demonstrates how open to manipulation they are. Whatever group is stirring up a mob mentality, these folks will join. How else do you end up with someone who supports Muslim extremism, transgender activism, and communism, all of which are inconsistent with one another? And if you want to figure out which activist groups are using manipulative tactics to get support, just look at what people like this are supporting?

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These campus protests have made for strange bedfellows. It’s important to trace this new found zeal for Palestinians back to its source, the professors who have in turn absorbed it from their professors.

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You just described bully Kamala Harris.

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my anecdotal observation is that they are NOT from upper middle-class backgrounds, but rather solid middle class to even poor exurbanites. Broken homes and public-school educations . i slipped out of office politics just in time about 8 years ago.

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Her character is a confluence of arrogance and ignorance.

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Great piece. As a vegan and animal rights activist, iit pisses me off so many of us are a part of this disgusting movement. One of the reasons I left social media.

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