Actually I think most of the world is either with us or indifferent. It is the powerful elite who hate us and they control the media and academia. The Muslims in many countries provide the street action. We need to stay strong and get the job done.

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It is an absolute truth that no matter what Israel does, it is wrong to the anti-Semites, the Jew haters. I'd be willing to bet that since Oct.7 more Gaza "civilians" have been killed by or because of their Hamas rulers than have died due to Israeli combat. Because of the unjust criticism (and because they are menschs), Israeli armed forces do much more to avoid civilian casualties than any other fighting force in the world. Israelis have the right, and duty, to God given self defense. The ultimate goal is the total destruction of Hamas, and I concur.

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By acquiescing in Egypt’s hermetically sealed border (open only to those able to pay bribes), the West has deliberately stacked the deck against the IDF and has made Hamas’ survival possible by effectively turning these civilians into approved human shields whose safety is now declared “priority #1” over and above the Israeli hostages who are again reduced to the invisibility of bargaining chips.

It seems that US domestic politics risks overtaking calculations of our national interests. We close our eyes at our own peril.

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The evil of the last two thousand years, just gets recycled and repackaged and redistributed to the gullible masses, who sop it up, because its much easier to blame a Jew than to speak out against hate. Easy to become a hater not so easy to disavow hatred.

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Excellent essay, as usual. Thank you.

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Melanie Phillips tells it like it is, as our slippery leaders find another justification for abandoning Israel: the blunder which led to the deaths of the aid convoy workers.

Pompous Foreign Secretary Cameron has mooted the suspension of arms sales to Israel, while announcing his intention to keep an eye on Israel; no mention of Hamas of course, the latter now planning to accuse Israel of war crimes.

Doddering Biden is outraged, apparently allowing his rapid cognitive decline to overlook the lethal mistakes made by US troops in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The hypocrisy is staggering and the moral inversion infecting the west's establishments grows worse by the day.

I despise our leaders and I watch in frustration as the mobs get a free pass in our streets: soon we shall have to endure Al Quds day, complete with passive cops and incendiary anti-Semitism on display.

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The puppet regime of Iranian imperialism, Hamasistan, exists to eradicate Jews. The only way to break the cycle is to receive the abject enforceable surrender of Hamasistan leadership, the dismantling of the necrocratic cultural machine and the termination of Iranian imperialism.

Tall order.

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Very much enjoy your cogent writing. Keep up the fine work. I write at https://sherylabbey.substack.com/, but that is an aside.

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Another great article. My best wishes.

After my last "discussions" with those whom this article describes I could only nod through the entire read.

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