It is truly bizarre how genuine racism, fascism and totalitarianism are simply seen as fine if the racist, racist totalitarian has the right enemies.

The crazy right has it in their love for Putin just because he’s the enemy of “woke”, but the really bizarre is as you said the left wing embrace of Islamic religious fascism.

And it rests on such a weak foundation.

They themselves would never live under an Islamic theocracy. They could move to Iran right now if they wanted to and because they don’t they surely know how bad it is in reality.

And yet they continue to cosplay.

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The winds are shifting as people realize the monster that has been released. There were some crocodile tears at her arraignment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_JxiGS3keU

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The radical “left” never sees how paradoxical it is that while they like to talk as if they favor equal rights, they also believe that they are the only ones who have rights because of their opinions. The result in practice, not coincidentally, is that they believe that people with other opinions are only around to be crushed in the name of progress. And increasingly, here in America more people are awakening to this paradox.

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I'm on the sidelines looking at the battle between white liberals and conservatives ... two wings on the same trifling bird. I'm focusing more on vertical issues (collective economics) for black folks. Horizontal issues are irrelevant. White liberal liberals just shuffle the chairs on a sinking ship for votes, while white conservatives sink the ship.

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One cannot be a hypocrite if one has no actual principles. The real issue is that people whose stated ideology is "words are power constructs" are believed to have principles by so many.

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Not linking to the NYT is petty. But that’s fine.

What’s not fine is that it makes it more difficult to trust you since I can’t quickly verify that you’re fairly and accurately relaying someone else’s statements.

As Ronald Reagan said …. trust, but verify.

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Apr 19·edited Apr 19

Excellent article Benjamin. I believe the use of tactical nukes are on the table, but this may not be the time. It should be noted that Israel had plans to take out the Iranian nukes much as they did Saddam's Osirak reactor long before they were buried in hardened underground facilities. Unsurprisingly, the Obama administration leaked the plans which, of course, scrubed the operation.

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