The Red-Green Alliance’s presidential candidate?
A single charismatic figure could be the antisemitic movement’s path to the White House. It might be AOC.

To an extent, concerns about the Red-Green Alliance—the antisemitic movement composed of radical Muslims and the progressive left—have begun to dissipate. The American public has clearly rejected the RGA’s barbarous rhetoric and violence; universities have cracked down on illegal protests on their campuses, albeit unwillingly; Congressional investigations and hearings have savaged the Alliance’s claims to moral authority; and the election of Donald Trump is seen, rightly, as a total repudiation of the progressive left’s ideology and agenda. All this has forced the RGA into a defensive position, at least for now.
As a result, some American Jews appear to be contemplating the possibility of feeling safe again. I do not believe the community will ever fully return to its pre-Oct. 7 complacency—many were not complacent even then—but it is not unthinkable that the sense of urgency may dissipate over the coming months.
It shouldn’t, because the RGA is a genocidal movement, and we know this because its acolytes say so. When they howl “from the river to the sea,” “death to Israel,” and “death to the Jews,” they mean every word. Genocidal movements do not stop until they are stopped and, like all terrorists, they must be stopped completely or they begin to metastasize again.
As of yet, the RGA has very much not been stopped completely. It continues to fester in its totalitarian citadels of academia, the NGO industry, and the fringes of the American political establishment like the Democratic Socialists of America. Racist hate groups like Students for Justice in Palestine are still very active. The Democratic party politicians the RGA owns are planning their next move. In short, the RGA is regrouping and reassessing its situation, contemplating its next steps and perhaps a new strategy. It will be back.
Regarding those next steps, some of the RGA’s members will likely turn to outright terrorism. But most will probably attempt to turn the RGA into a mainstream political movement.
The RGA has long asserted that one cannot be a true progressive while opposing hardline genocidal Palestinian nationalism. As the RGA’s top Useful Jew Peter Beinart put it: “In this new era, in which supporting Palestinian freedom has become central to what it means to be progressive, the Palestinian exception is not just immoral. It’s politically disastrous.”
The RGA likely intends to weaponize this assertion, purge all dissenters in the progressive movement, and conquer and colonize the left. Then, it will use this vehicle to conquer and colonize the Democratic Party itself.
In some ways, the biggest obstacle to this ambition is the RGA’s lack of a single charismatic leader. By and large, it is a decentralized movement, composed of a web of NGOs, student groups, activist organizations, and individual politicians and officials. It has yet to find a figure it can rally behind and who can raise it to the heights of political power.
This is, in some ways, the RGA’s Achilles Heel. It is the one thing that has kept the RGA from becoming a genuine mass movement. Certainly, the decentralized nature of the RGA has made it more difficult to interdict its illegal behavior, but it has also badly hampered its efforts to conquer and colonize the political mainstream.
However, this could change very quickly indeed. We live in an age of the sudden rise and fall. It is an era of “influencers” and social media celebrities who can emerge from nowhere to command huge followings, of “outsider” politicians who appear fringe one moment and mainstream the next.
There are indications of who a potential charismatic leader of the RGA might be. The most likely candidate is New York Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
AOC is definitely running for president in 2028 and is starting out with several distinct advantages: She is young, attractive, enjoys a cult-like following among progressives and the media, and has a massive social media presence. Given her sudden rise from obscurity to national politics, she also clearly possesses considerable political skills, though she conceals them beneath the veneer of a “Valley Girl” airhead.
Needless to say, AOC has already declared her fealty to the RGA. She is the de facto leader of the infamous “Squad” of progressive antisemites like Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, who serve as the RGA’s vanguard in Congress. AOC has parroted almost every RGA talking point against Israel and the Jews except those that are outright and explicitly genocidal and antisemitic. She advocates the formation of a nationwide coalition of anti-Israel factions to further hardline Palestinian nationalist ambitions. From her perch in Congress, she has done literally nothing to prevent the RGA’s use of antisemitic violence to get its way. In other words, she has adopted the RGA as perhaps her most passionate cause.
AOC has also explicitly endorsed some of the RGA’s most vicious blood libels. In March of last year, she brazenly lied about a supposed “genocide” of Gaza Palestinians, saying, “As we speak, in this moment, 1.1 million innocents in Gaza are at famine’s door. A famine that is being intentionally precipitated through the blocking of food and global humanitarian assistance by leaders in the Israeli government.”
She further admonished: “If you want to know what an unfolding genocide looks like, open your eyes.”
The “famine” lie was, of course, one of the innumerable propaganda talking points supplied to the RGA by Palestinian sources and collaborationist NGOs. It was dutifully reported by the media as true before being memory-holed as soon as it was revealed to be pernicious nonsense. But it served AOC’s purposes at the time, which was to strengthen the RGA’s position in the mainstream public discourse. That it also blasphemously defamed a nation of seven million Jews was apparently irrelevant to her.
AOC has also ferociously objected to the cancellation and ostracizing of those who spew such libels and thus incite antisemitic violence. She told NBC’s Meet the Press: “Whether you are an individual that believes this is a genocide—which by the way, in our polling we are seeing large amounts of Americans concerned specifically with that word. So I don’t think that it is something to completely toss someone out of our public discourse for using.”
What makes AOC particularly dangerous, however, is her cultivation of plausible deniability. Indeed, she knows quite well that Americans are generally Philo-Semitic and that the RGA’s open antisemitism is a liability. As a result, she engages in relentless double-talk.
She has said, for example, that “Antisemitism, hate and violence against Jews because of their identity is real and it is dangerous. When the Jewish community is threatened, the progressive movement is undermined.”
Almost simultaneously, however, she claimed: “It is also true that accusations and false accusations of antisemitism are wielded against people of color and women of color by bad-faith political actors, and weaponizing antisemitism is used to divide us.”
In other words, antisemitism is bad, but it is only bad because it hurts the public image of the progressive movement. Moreover, the entire issue is a fraud wielded by racist “bad-faith political actors.”
This is, ironically, almost the definition of the bad-faith argument. In effect, it condemns antisemitism while simultaneously claiming antisemitism does not exist. It absolves AOC and her movement of any guilt or culpability while demonizing those who dare to point out that guilt and culpability—including the majority of American Jews.
Nonetheless, with an establishment media hell-bent and determined to make her president, AOC could potentially get away with all of this. Moreover, it would be a grave mistake to think that she is “too far-left” to be elected. It is a truism of politics that everyone is unelectable until they’re electable.
For example, if the US suffers a severe economic crisis under a Republican administration, the Democratic candidate will almost certainly win the next election, whoever they might be. If AOC is the Democrats’ nominee under such fortuitous circumstances—and she very well could be—it would be almost impossible to deny her the White House. Her far-left politics would be, at best, a non-issue.
This, needless to say, would be a disaster for American Jews. It will mean that the RGA has seized supreme power. And make no mistake, it will use it. The results are easy to predict: Antisemitism on campus and in the streets will be given a free pass and protected by policy and law. Anti-Israel policies will be adopted that could be catastrophic for Israel’s security. Barely disguised antisemitic rhetoric will become a staple of White House discourse. Any attempts to hold the RGA accountable, such as prosecutions for antisemitic violence, will be summarily rejected.
As a result, American Jews will be placed in much the same position as their brethren in Europe: They will live life under siege, confined to de facto ghettos, with whatever political and economic power they have worked so hard to accumulate rescinded. Under such circumstances, it will be almost impossible for them to remain Americans. Most of them will almost certainly decamp to Israel or elsewhere.
This would not only be a disaster for American Jews. It would be a fatal blow to the republic itself. If history has proven anything, it is that modern societies cannot survive antisemitism. Once institutionalized, antisemitism destroys these societies from within. It rots them out until they either collapse of their own accord or hurl themselves into a suicidal conflict.
However, even if the RGA finds its charismatic leader, such an eventuality is by no means inevitable. For the moment, at least, Americans have seen what the RGA has in store not only for American Jews but for all Americans, and they want no part of it. This alone is reason for hope.
More likely, you'll see the Democrats fragment further and silo themselves off into different parties. I see most of the RGA moving Green.
America will never back AOC. Most Democrats don't even like her. She would never win swing states like Nevada and Wisconsin, or any of the red states.
But I said the same thing about Trump so what do I know?
"Kamala Harris is for they/them; President Trump is for you"
That brilliant campaign ad shows how out of touch the far Left, including the RGA, is with the American public.
There are plenty of AOC statements on topics like "birthing persons" and others to build on.
Harvard-Harris monthly polls show strong US public support for Israel even though it doesn't have the loudness of campus protests. Progressive fringe is nothing compared to Evangelical Christians, a bedrock of Israel support:
We're already seeing the fragmentation of the Democratic party, with pro-Israel voices like Congressman Ritchie Torres and Senator John Fetterman pushing for a more mainstream direction. We can already see that in recent House and Senate votes in the new Congress.
This is the United States: if you're still concerned about antisemitic violence, learn to shoot