Oct 2·edited Oct 2

Glad to see the word “ruling” used instead of “elite” in the title of the article although elite is used further in the article. There is nothing elite about these people, anyone can be a hypocritical, tyrannical, sanctimonious, entitled, smug propagandist parasite.

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For the Washington Post the explanation is so much simpler just the number of Al-Jazeera veterans in their staff


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Thanks for sharing that article, which I had not previously seen. Some of these positions are clearly influential. I wish they had included one more detail, six of how many on the foreign desk? And now I'm wondering about their equally politicized (if not more so) domestic narratives. (We should stop contributing to the myth that corporate media stories are in any sense "reporting".)

"At least six members of the Post’s foreign desk previously wrote for Al Jazeera, the Doha-based news outlet bankrolled in part by the government of Qatar, which is now sheltering Hamas’s top leaders, a Washington Free Beacon review found. [...] Middle East editor, Jesse Mesner-Hage, who spent more than a decade as an editor at the outlet’s English edition, London correspondent Louisa Loveluck, investigative reporter Evan Hill, visual enterprise editor Reem Akkad, WaPo Live host Libby Casey, and breaking news reporter Adela Suliman."

This seems particularly damning: "Loveluck’s work with Al Jazeera is omitted from her biography on the Post’s website."

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They make it hard to find Al-Jazeera veterans (alumni, plants?) in their ranks.

But the NYT has no problems hiring Palestinian journalists with an established track record of praising Hitler, which says a lot about their true beliefs


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Excellent breakdown of why the "elite" will fail. Destruction of the fabric of society, part of the Marxist battle plan, will not work here. The Times and the ruling class have failed to understand the nature of American patriotism. They failed because they allowed patriotism to be instilled so strongly in the 40's, 50's, and 60's. Even as many no longer have any loyalty or use for the government and its many heavy-handed agencies, the love of country, patriotism, still is very strong. As long as the people keep resisting, strongly, and, most important, verbally, the globalist plan will not succeed. As we are warned, "silence is consent." The enemy established their strong foot hold, because, in an effort to appear civil and non-confrontational, we remained silent. The more vocal, loudly so, we are the faster the self-hating rulers will fall. Speak up, loudly and often.

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totally on target. the country is committing suicide

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A strong piece by Benjamin Kerstein.

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Well done Benjamin

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Very interesting and informative piece of writing. I've never seen the situation from this perspective. Just wondering but never having a clear picture.

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Vivek is our Thatcher, our Milei. Yet he has not gotten the attention we need.

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Luckily, Americans do not have a ruling class, and those at institutional levers of power are not within screaming distance of being elite. We are in a terrible *but temporary* condition. They've overplayed their hand badly since about 2015, which I view as not luck but an inevitability of human nature in God's creation: corruption of the soul inexorably corrodes constructive capabilities. When man does not build value, his systems fail.

Strongly contributing to events in motion in the States is the unruly and disruptive character of the American people. Southerners are legendarily "polite to the point of violence", and others simply skip or race through the polite stage more rapidly. The fierce pursuit of life, liberty, and laissez-faire is our superpower and, these days, rebounding mightily.

Unlike other nations, we created ourselves. We're rescuing ourselves in the mountains right now. We know we can abolish our illegitimate would-be rulers; we've done it before. Hillbillies, rednecks, credentialed Ivy Leaguers and garage mechanics, PTA parents, the crass and the cultured: stay tuned.

*See also, Matt Taibbi's rousing finale at Rescue the Republic: https://youtu.be/pTfe8sP-KPM?feature=shared&t=1218

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The New York Times has always been biased but in the 1970s I used to enjoy reading the Times when it stayed away from political matters because it was always a well written and well edited newspaper. However, now it’s just coasting on its overrated reputation and the management is terrified of its employees.

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Anyone reading this who doesn’t vote for Trump needs to have their head examined. To turn a phrase: he will erase these “rulers”. He’s made it clear. So please continue posting but GO OUT AND VOTE and get everyone you know to do so also. Everyone.

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they don't allow me to restack the article 😠

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The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

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