Why is this difficult?

Some right wing Americans embrace classical anti-semitism based on defunct Christian teachings. OK, my immortal soul is not saved. Our covenant promises land, crops, and children in exchange for faith. Nothing about immortality. As far as I’m concerned, we’re good. I’ll even listen to the occasional proselytizing, though it gets tedious.

Political, Marxist, anti-semitism is now a founding belief among American progressives. This flavor attacks Israel and threatens my descendants with poverty (see covenant above). My only realistic stance is to oppose progressives with voice and money.

Is there a certain cognitive dissonance? Sure. Had my ancestors recognized and reacted to that dissonance 90 years ago I would have a lot more cousins. Life is sometimes hard that way.

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How about trying this for a change. If the Hamas wing is supported in the Democratic party, then withdraw your support from the Democratic Party. I am not saying that you have to throw your support to the Republicans; just remove it from the Democrats. No votes for them; no money for them' no endorsements of their candidates. Combine that with increase pressure on the existing Jewish members of Congress to follow suit and you will see an interesting dynamic develop.

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Aug 17·edited Aug 17

If the Republicans are pro-Israel and not anti-semitic, then why not just vote Republican? For a Jewish person you might think this would be the most important thing driving their vote.

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Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel.

Recognizing Israel's sovereignty of the Golan Heights.

Abraham Accords

Economic strangulation of Iran.

No war in the Middle East!

Anyone who votes for the democratic ticket is simply a moron!

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Red-Green Alliance. Red is of course socialist, particularly Marxist socialism. Green is the color of Islam, but green is also a label for the trees not humans movement. There is no real contradiction there. Greta Thunberg the poster child of climate hysteria has come out with full throated support for Hamas and hatred of Israel.

So red green does it. Watermelons -- green on the outside red on the inside.

The joke is on the reds. In Iran in 1978, the Reds supported the Greens, who said thank very much for your support, and after the Shah was safely off, they turned around and slaughtered the reds.

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Wow! Shades of Chicago 1968. EXCEPT, then the Jews were on the outside getting arrested (Reuben, Hoffman, et al). This year Nazi/Islamists will on the outside getting fake arrested, and inside too. Jews on the inside too this year, hoping to not get beaten up. Really, Yids, in all this time you haven't figured out that the jackass party is bad for you. Good grief, they all but put Gov. Shapiro in the ovens, after making him kneel in submission. Black folk are starting to see the Socialist/Commies for what they really are. Wake up if you want to see future generations.

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I promise I’ll care more about what Democrats have in store for Jews when Jews stop voting Democrat en masse…

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Since the formation of the state of Israel, its destruction and the murder of Jews by its enemies has never ceased and never will, until all the Jews are murdered. The enemies of Israel have told them so. They will never release the hostages even if their absurd demands are met. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Plan accordingly.

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Interesting photo accompanying the article. At first glance it resembled the Kaaba afire.

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I don’t recognize the photo. Could be A.I. generated?

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I think you're right!

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